I have built an excel file that has a number of worksheets in it, 1 ha
stats, 1 charts and the other 3 or 4 have lists generated by macros
The original data is in a sheet but linked to an access database. Wha
I want to be able to do is to have excel prompt the user as to whethe
they would like to get reports (yes/no) and if so copy the stats page
charts and the lists to another excel file and give that new file th
name "date time" Report. It would be helpfuf if a dialog box appeare
to tell the user where the file had been saved.
This might be a bit long winded but Im not sure of where to start
Please help
stats, 1 charts and the other 3 or 4 have lists generated by macros
The original data is in a sheet but linked to an access database. Wha
I want to be able to do is to have excel prompt the user as to whethe
they would like to get reports (yes/no) and if so copy the stats page
charts and the lists to another excel file and give that new file th
name "date time" Report. It would be helpfuf if a dialog box appeare
to tell the user where the file had been saved.
This might be a bit long winded but Im not sure of where to start
Please help