saving a changed form

  • Thread starter Thread starter brandon jackson
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brandon jackson

I have a 2000 db, converted from Access97. I can revise
and preview converted forms but can not save changes. I
can create new forms, run, edit & save them. Upon exit,
get "do you want to save" message. A yes reply keeps the
form open and a no reply closes w/o saving. No one else
is in the database. I opened the Events property tab on
several forms and managed to make/save changes, but still
have problems with many forms. I can change/save tables
and queries. We have many forms in this db so the
prospect of rewriting is daunting. Any suggestions? I
posted this same message on security as pbm may be
security. (e-mail address removed)
Your database is either opened (not converted), or else partially corrupt.

To rebuild it, try this sequence:
1. Using Access 2000, create a new (blank) database:
File | New

2. Immediately, uncheck the Name AutoCorrect boxes under:
Tools | Options | General.
For an explanation of why, see:

3. Import everything from the problem database:
File | Get External | Import

4. Press Ctrl+G to open the Immediate Window. Under:
Tools | References
check the box beside:
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Library
Unless you need them, uncheck the boxes beside:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x
OLE Automation
For more information on references, see:

5. Still in the code window, compile the application:
Debug | Compile
I tried the procedure you outline. As the import ran, I
received the following message on forms and most reports:
"Name conflicts with existing module, project or
object". With a click on OK, the process skipped the
report and moved on to the next. Thus, I was unable to
import the needed forms and reports. The reports are the
main items I need to have revision/save capabilities.
Any other suggestions.
Brandon Jackson
Okay, you certainly have a problem with your old database.

You could try compacting a *copy* of your old database, and see if that
You could also try turning off its Name AutoCorrect, and compacting again.

Double-check you do not have a procedure that has the same name as a module.
For example, if you have:
Function FooBar()
and you also have a module named FooBar, then rename the module.

Finally, the to check the name of the "project", open a code window, and
look on the Tools menu. You will see:
xxx Properties
where xxx is the name of your project. You can use that menu item to rename
the project if necessary.

If none of that works, it may be possible to export the problem report with
the undocumented SaveToText, and import into the new database with
I tried each of these to no avail. I did however stumble
across the follow which allows me save the revised
reports. Any idea why this works?
1. Open the database report in Design View;
2. Right click on the report properties tab;
3. Open the properties box;
4. Click on the Event tab;
5. Go to the first line which reads: On Open....[Event
Procedure] is probably selected;
6. Open the three ... buillder box;
7. Select and delete the contents of the box and close
this box;
8. High light and delete the Event Procedure line if
still present;
9. Add back Event Procedure to the line;
10. Can now save the report;
11. If none of the lines in Event have Event Procedure
selected, add it to a line and then do the remove process.

No idea why this works.
