Savign issues...

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I cannot burn my movie to DVD (I've got Nero products, InterVIdeo, Roxio,
etc) and NOT ONE will recognize or burn teh saved movie. I cannot find the
window allowing saving to DV-AVI format...very frustrating.

John Kelly's advice has been used extensively and I've found it very
helpful, so I'm hoping he can help me here aswell. Thanks.
What was the original movie file type? DV-AVI fomat digital camcorder? WMV?
Mpeg? Perhaps run through the steps you took to capture your video, and then
list each step you take when trying to save it as a dv-avi and what options
you do get at the various stages. What are you saving as currently then?


Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Laird of Glencairn
Louie said:
I cannot burn my movie to DVD (I've got Nero products,
InterVIdeo, Roxio, etc) and NOT ONE will recognize or
burn teh saved movie. I cannot find the window allowing
saving to DV-AVI format...very frustrating.

John Kelly's advice has been used extensively and I've
found it very helpful, so I'm hoping he can help me here
aswell. Thanks.

With your project open in Movie Maker, try
the following steps.

File / Save Movie File / My Computer / Next /
choose a Name and a Save location / Next /
Show More Choices / Other Settings / open
the drop window and choose...DV-AVI (NTSC) /
Next / when the save is Finish.


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Picture It! Support Center

Digital Image Support Center
Oh My GOD!

EVERYTHING HAS A RED ON IT IN THETIMELINE... This is ridiculous. Another 6
hours of wasted time. Why are you guys raving so much about this software and
windows movie maker?
A red X means that the source files have either been moved or deleted. This
is not a problem with the software, it will happen with all software and
is.............. user error.
If you would like further help, perhaps you could calm down, and give more
information on what is happening, what you have done etc etc, rather than
post multiple messages everywhere which just take time for us to read and
put us off wanting to help.


Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Laird of Glencairn
OK. I promise to remain calm.

I use a JVC digital camcorder to filmraw footage.
I then use a firewire to capture the raw footage into windows moviemaker. (I
choose the clips manually)
I am asked to capture either "best quality for play back on my computer
"recommended"" or capture to DV-AVI.
Since my goal is to burn to DVD, I choose DVD-AVI.
I then construct my movie, add titles, credits, music and assorted stills.
Even though I've captured in what I think is supposed to be DVD-AVI, when I
have completed my movie and choose to save it...
I click FILE, SAVE MOVIE and the ONLY options are (5) "to the web, e-mail,
CD, Camcorder, and My computer."

Additionally, (some of) the raw footage captured becomes... WMV, and somes
remains AVI.
Even though the capture was completed at one session, the extensions/format
change and still lead to no success in burning.

I've spent considerable time reading as many relative posts as possible and
yet I am still perplexed. Can you offer any suggestions?

Firstly lets address the saving as a dv-avi file.

Save movie file >
My Computer >
fill in name and location >
show more choices >
Other settings >
open the drop down box and pick dv-avi.
clicking next should start the save process.

The some becomes wmv is a bit of a mystery. MM does sometimes not remember
your settings, so are you 100% sure you did capture it all as dv-avi? The
only thing I can think of is you perhaps clicked through to quick like we
all do sometimes and the wrong option was already selected.
Other possibility is that you have saved some of the movie file as a wmv and
then brought it back in?? MM or anything else, cannot change the file format
on its own.

I think John has answered the saving to dvd question so I won't touch on
that one.

May I suggest though, if you have more questions you list tehm one by one in
new single topics to make it easier for us all to follow.

Together we'll make a movie, I promise :)

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Laird of Glencairn