SAveAs executes combobox code

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan Lyall
  • Start date Start date

Alan Lyall


We have a workbook that has a number of worksheets with comboboxes that have
a list of values. When a selection is made, code is executed to change the
appearance of the associated worksheet using the object_change event.
Unfortunately when SaveAs is used, this event appears to be triggered and
all the code is executed for all the worksheets with a combobox with a
change event defined. This leaves the user faced with a different worksheet
to the one they were observing prior to issuing the SaveAs command.

Is there an easy way to stop this happening? Or is there an easy way to
return them to the worksheet they were observing prior to issuing the SaveAs

My testing has indicated that the _click event is also triggered by SaveAs,
the AfterUpdate event is not triggered for SaveAs, but also not triggered by
mouse selection from the list and the BeforeSave event is actioned prior to
the _change event when using SaveAs.



What version of Excel are you using?

Do you have anything in the BeforeSave event?

Do your comboboxes have anything in the LinkedCell properties?
break your linked cell links and possibly your listfillrange links. Manage
the populating of the list and writing of results with code and I don't
think you will have this problem.
Thanks Tom and Dick

We did not have any linked cells as such, but the code makes extensive use
of listfillranges. This is probably causing the problem. However the
workbook has too extensive use of these to rewrite another person's code
easily. I have instead used the workbook_beforeSave to save the into a named range cell and then restored this from the
final _change macro executed after the SaveAs. However this is dirty, and I
seemed to have trouble referring to this named range after the save as, even
though it worked in the beforesave event trap. I had to refer to the cell
directly. It seems as if the named ranges are not recognised at this time.

Any suggestions?