SaveAs Dialogue Box



Hi, I am trying to save a file to directory. I want the saveas dialogue box
to pop up with the file name and pathe I specify, but I want the user to be
able to change the path given that it changes on a monthly basis.

With Sheets("MissingSTAvg_Corp")
.SaveAs Filename:= _
"Q:\Results\March 06\MissingSTAvg_Corp" & InputBox("Please Enter
Date As MM-DD-YY")
End With

The "March 06" will change monthly. Thanks


Didn't test it but should work:

First create 2 ranges on your workbook for current_month and

Sub Test()
Dim Input_Date as Date
Dim Current_Month as String
Dim Current_Day As String


Input_Date=InputBox("Please Enter Date As MM-DD-YY")

Sheets("MissingSTAvg_Corp").SaveAs Filename:= _
"Q:\Results\" & Current_Month & " " & Current_Year &
"\MissingSTAvg_Corp" & Input_Date

End Sub

Don't forget spaces before and after the & signes.


Thanks. I was already familiar with your suggestion. But what I really want
to do is be able to see the saveas dialog box at the suggested path and then
let the user change it from the dialog box. I think you can use:

Application.dialogs(xlDialogSaveas).show but I am not sure how to make it
open in the suggested directory with the suggested file name already in the
dialog box. Thanks again.


I think "FileDialog" might do what you want. Look it up in help, and see the

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