Good morning
I am currently using the following code to save a worksheet as a custom .CSV
intFile = FreeFile
Open "c:\test.txt" For Output As #intFile
For Each rngRow In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows
strData = ""
For Each cell In rngRow.Cells
strData = strData & Trim(cell)
Print #intFile, strData
Close #intFile
As you can see, it saves the file as "test.txt". However, as I will need to
run this macro daily, I need to be able to save the file with the following
"ACJRNyyyymmddhhmm.txt" eg: today would be (assuming I ran the macro at the
time I wrote this query)
Could someone please suggest a method that would achieve this desired
filename each day? Please note, it is critical that I keep the formatting,
within the file, that has been achieved by the above code.
I am currently using the following code to save a worksheet as a custom .CSV
intFile = FreeFile
Open "c:\test.txt" For Output As #intFile
For Each rngRow In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows
strData = ""
For Each cell In rngRow.Cells
strData = strData & Trim(cell)
Print #intFile, strData
Close #intFile
As you can see, it saves the file as "test.txt". However, as I will need to
run this macro daily, I need to be able to save the file with the following
"ACJRNyyyymmddhhmm.txt" eg: today would be (assuming I ran the macro at the
time I wrote this query)
Could someone please suggest a method that would achieve this desired
filename each day? Please note, it is critical that I keep the formatting,
within the file, that has been achieved by the above code.