Save User Logon Name

  • Thread starter Thread starter Christine Boissoin
  • Start date Start date

Christine Boissoin

I have successfully used api0008 to display the user name as logge
onto the network. I would like to permanently store the user in eac
record that the user updates in a table. I able to see the user on
form (in an unbound text box) but am unable to save this piece o
information and then I would like to update this field if anothe
user logs on and then edits a record at a later time

In the form's BeforeUpdate event, set the field's value equal to the results
of the function.
The value is still not being saved in the record in the table. I d
see it on the form, but it is not saved.

I added -- (field name in tbl) ROW_UPDATE_USER=fOSUserName() --- t
the beforeupdate event on the form as you suggested. Is this what yo
