Save To .AVI after Editing Ok

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I successfully edited a movie with WMM.
My intention was to create a DVD, so I tried to create first an AVI file.
First step was to save it into my disk using maximum quality choice
(DV-AVI format), directly from WMM export to file solutions.
After that AVI file was created, I noted something strange on it.
Almost 70 % of images slows frequently at same point.
It seems that during converting process my pc was busy and write operation
was not continue.
I reprocessed it again, removing from memory all possible applications, but
result was the same.
Please note my PC has 1 Pentium4/2.4GHz + 256Mb RAM + WindowsXP sp2

Is there some suggestions to obtain a valid AVI file or do you know other
ways to craete a DVD disk from WMM project

Many tks in advance,
I'm sure there will be discussion on whether this is the right thing
to do or not, but I have had some success with my Pentium 1.7.

1. ensure the drive is defragged

2. Using task manager I set the MM process priority to 'High' or to
'real-time' - make sure you have saved your project files first cause
if it locks you may have to restart (I have never had it lock). You
should see the moviemk.exe get about 99% of the cpu where it
previously got 94-98. There are very few processes that will interupt
a process that is running on high.

3. Walk away and let it do its stuff. You will get real control back
when the save is finished and no longer uses any CPU.
I hope it works....note that I do it all the time as I dont use the PC
when rendering a movie so i figure I may as well get it done as
quickly as I can.

ood luck with your project
I have a 3.0 P4 processor with lots of ddr 400 speed ram and lots of 7200
rpm ultra mode 5 and 6 hard drive space with XP Home. I have used all
recdomendations for proper picture and music files types. I have never had a
perfect render experience of a move using the DV_AVI format. There is always
a soundtrack or a transition issue. So I dropped back to high quality ntsc
..wmv format for saving my movies. These have consistently created good
resuts for DVD production and interpret well into window movie media player
CD discs for viewing on a computer...(although even quality down to 1.5 kbps
works well for the cd auto start movie media discs that I make to be viewed
on the pc rather than DVD).

My DVD creations have fewer glitches and are extremely acceptable quality at
the high quality setting instead of AVI. Try just have the
rendering time and 1 dvd disc to lose. Use a DVD rewriteable to experiment
and then you won't even lose a disc...just a little time.

The only time I came close to no glitches in the AVI mode is when I double
render the move...2 passes, the first without sound saved as Avi and then use
that movie again and add sound track for the 2nd pass. Even that hasn't been
a consistent way to overcome glitches in sound or transitions.

Good Luck!
