Save Target As


Donnie McMillion

I hope someone can help. When I'm on the internet and
want to download something, I right click it and I can't
click on Save Target As.So I'm not able to download. HELP

Robert Mitchell [MSFT]

Hello Donnie,

Take a look at the following articles...

176316 Save Target As and Print Target Commands Are Unavailable

319032 An Error Message Occurs If You Click "Save Target As" for a Link

Robert Mitchell
Windows NT4&2000 MCSE
Microsoft Enterprise Support

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Save Target As can also be disabled via Java Scripting
embedded in a web page in an effort to protect copyrights,
so it depends upon what you are trying to download. If it
happens all the time, then there is a problem and
certainly check the links provided in the last post.

If it is only occuring at certain times, such as trying to
save a web picture you like, the web site may be
preventing you from "stealing" the picture by disabling
the "Save Target As" option.


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