Save SQL Script into Resources

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Goldberg
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Shai Goldberg


Is there a way to store an SQL script into a resource
file, the script contains a lot of lines, and then to
read it during run-time into a string?

Hi Shai
Is there a way to store an SQL script into a resource
file, the script contains a lot of lines, and then to
read it during run-time into a string?

Why not,

Or do you mean what is the best way, I think there is no best way, that
depends in what kind of environment you want to use it.

If you tell that a little more, than maybe we can help you?

* "Shai Goldberg said:
Is there a way to store an SQL script into a resource
file, the script contains a lot of lines, and then to
read it during run-time into a string?

Add the file to the project, set its 'Build Action' to 'Embedded
Resource', then:

Imports System.IO
Dim f As Stream =
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream( _
"<Name of the root namespace>.test.txt" _
Dim st As New StreamReader(f), s As String
s = st.ReadToEnd()

I need to add a text file into a source file and to be
able to read it during run time using VB.NET

I want to know if there is a way to do so using the
VS.NET IDE and VB.NET that is to insert into a source
file a bunch of text lines that I can read into a string
during run time.

Thanks for the answer but it didn't help me, maybe I just
didn't understand, but I need to load a lot of lines and
not only one single line.

Hi Shai,

I saw you did get some answers in this thread if that does not fit, message
again OK?


Is there a way to store an SQL script into a resource
file, the script contains a lot of lines, and then to
read it during run-time into a string?



You can use streamreader function to read the sql text, and after that can
you make a split on 'GO'. after that can you execute the the different
parts in the script. (you can not execute the hole script including GO,
because it isnt allowed)

Hi Shai,

I saw you other message, the most easiest way is to make a dataset,

I made some examples below. I did not make in the IDE so it is probably with

I think this wil fits your problem?


dim ds as new dataset
if file.exist ("c:\test1\testxml.xml") then
ds.ReadXml("c:\testxml.xml", XmlReadMode.ReadSchema)
Dim dr As DataRow = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Find("mynumber")
if not dr Is Nothing Then
mySQLstring = dr.item("mySqlString").tostring
End If
To create this dataset is.
dim ds as new dataset
Dim dt As New DataTable("SqlStrings")
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("mySqlStringnumber",
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("mySqlString", Type.GetType("System.String")))
Dim keys(0) As DataColumn
keys(0) = dt.Columns("mySqlStringnumber")
dt.PrimaryKey = keys
ds.WriteXml("c:\testxml.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema)
To add the rows you can use the normal dataset instructions for that
Shai Goldberg said:
Thanks for the answer but it didn't help me, maybe I just
didn't understand, but I need to load a lot of lines and
not only one single line.

Resources are not limited to a single line.
Herfried hi,

I wanted to thank you for your solution, it was what I
was looking for!

I want also to thank all that tried to help me.

-----Original Message-----

Add the file to the project, set its 'Build Action' to 'Embedded
Resource', then:

Imports System.IO
Dim f As Stream =
().GetManifestResourceStream( _