Save signature to bitmap file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Girish NS
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Girish NS


I'm using the OpenNETCF signature control. I want to save the signature as a
bitmap file in Pocket PC device.

Can anybody tell me how to accomplish this task?

Thanks for any valuable help,
Use the ToBitmap to convert it to bitmap. And then kindly try the following piece of code..

/// <summary
/// Saves an image (image) at the location defined (szPath). This uses the generi
/// 24-bit format, so the image is not compressed
/// </summary
/// <brm name="image">The bitmap image to store</brm
/// <brm name="szPath">The path to save at</brm
static public void SaveBitmapToFile(Image image, string szPath

FileStream fs = File.Create(szPath)

SaveBitmapToStream(image, fs)


#region Save Bitmap to Strea
/// <summary
/// Saves an image (image) at the location defined (szPath). This uses the generi
/// 24-bit format, so the image is not compressed
/// </summary
/// <param name="image">The bitmap image to store</param
/// <param name="stream">The stream to save to</param
static public void SaveBitmapToStream(Image image, Stream stream

* Sort of from
* The below is hardcoded to support saving a 24-bit bitmap. Slight changes would be made to certain
* constants in order to save 16-bit or 256-color (8-bit) or whatever. The resulting file is probabl
* the largest of any image format, which is at the benefit of speed. There are other ways of savin
* bitmaps (such as using color indexing) which will reduce the bitmap size, but they also add
* performance hits.
* ---Data--- ---Bytes--
* "BM" 0x00-0x0
* File Size 0x02-0x0
* Reserved 1 0x06-0x0
* Reserved 2 0x08-0x0
* Constant 0x36 0x0
* Constant 0x00 0x0B-0x0
* Constant 0x28 0x0E (This byte is always 0x28
* Constant 0x00 0x0F-0x11 (These bytes are always 0x00
* Bitmap Width 0x12-0x1
* Bitmap Height 0x16-0x1
* Constant 0x01 0x1
* Constant 0x00 0x1
* Constant 0x18 0x1
* Constant 0x00 0x1D-0x2
* Image byte size 0x22-0x2
* Constant 0x00 0x26-0x3
* Pixels 0x36-Rest
* These are 3-byte RGB values for pixels starting at bottom left, moving right.
* They are in G-B-R order, and you have to remember to make the full stride (row) a
* multiple of 4, meaning that if you have a width of 3, that's only 9 bytes and yo
* have to pad with 3 to round it to the next multiple of 4

// This should probably be done a little more carefull
Bitmap bm = (Bitmap) image
const int BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 3

// Need 0x36 bytes for the headers, plus all of the pixel data, so round up to nearest
int nBytes = 0x36 + (bm.Height * ((BYTES_PER_PIXEL * bm.Width) + 0x03) & ~0x03)

byte[] BitmapData = new byte[nBytes]
BitmapData[0x00] = (byte) 'B'
BitmapData[0x01] = (byte) 'M'

// I'm sure there's a better way to do this but I didn't look up the C# equiv of memcp
BitmapData[0x02] = (byte) nBytes
BitmapData[0x03] = (byte) (nBytes >> 8)
BitmapData[0x04] = (byte) (nBytes >> 16)
BitmapData[0x05] = (byte) (nBytes >> 24)

BitmapData[0x0A] = 0x36
BitmapData[0x0E] = 0x28

BitmapData[0x12] = (byte) bm.Width
BitmapData[0x13] = (byte) (bm.Width >> 8)
BitmapData[0x14] = (byte) (bm.Width >> 16)
BitmapData[0x15] = (byte) (bm.Width >> 24)

BitmapData[0x16] = (byte) bm.Height
BitmapData[0x17] = (byte) (bm.Height >> 8)
BitmapData[0x18] = (byte) (bm.Height >> 16)
BitmapData[0x19] = (byte) (bm.Height >> 24)

BitmapData[0x1A] = 0x01
BitmapData[0x1C] = 0x18

BitmapData[0x22] = (byte) (nBytes - 0x36)
BitmapData[0x23] = (byte) ((nBytes - 0x36) >> 8)
BitmapData[0x24] = (byte) ((nBytes - 0x36) >> 16)
BitmapData[0x25] = (byte) ((nBytes - 0x36) >> 24)

// Stripping bitmap from bottom left, moving right through the row, then up to the next ro
int index = 0x36
for (int h = bm.Height - 1; h >= 0; h--

for (int w = 0; w < bm.Width; w++

int c = bm.GetPixel(w, h).ToArgb()
BitmapData[index++] = (byte) c
BitmapData[index++] = (byte) (c >> 8)
BitmapData[index++] = (byte) (c >> 16)

// Padding the end of the row
// (if I RTFM'd this wouldn't have taken so long to figure out :-)
int xtra = (bm.Width * 3) % 4;
if (xtra != 0)
index += 4 - xtra;

// Write the bytes to the stream
stream.Write(BitmapData, 0, BitmapData.Length);