Well, I am used to converting PPT to video with the tool-Wondershare
PPT to Video (
overview.html#10070). It has been two years since I began to use this
product. So, I believe it. Every time after conversion, the
animations, sounds, transitions, video clips and hyperlinks between
slides were retained. I think it is very convenient and efficient, for
it requires only a few mouse clicks to create a video with high
quality and fast speed.
By the way, Ute Simon said he prefer recording his presentation with
Camtasia Studio 6. In fact, I have also considered this way, but I
ultimately chose Wondershare PPT to Video, because I feel that the
price of Camtasia is too high for me.
Here is an article about 5 ways to convert PPT to video I collected
before. Maybe it will help you.
^_^ Good luck!