To the All-Knowing MVPs:
Is there a way to save an Access "Output To" to a specified computer within
the office I'm working in. As a readily available backup, my supervisor has
requested for me to send outputs of Key database tables to one computer in
the office. The database resides on the network, everyone accesses it, and
I've implemented the Output To function to hit the C drive. But instead of
hitting the user's C Drive, he wants it to hit an unused system with the
System Name - G000089387.
Any/all suggestions on this would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.
Is there a way to save an Access "Output To" to a specified computer within
the office I'm working in. As a readily available backup, my supervisor has
requested for me to send outputs of Key database tables to one computer in
the office. The database resides on the network, everyone accesses it, and
I've implemented the Output To function to hit the C drive. But instead of
hitting the user's C Drive, he wants it to hit an unused system with the
System Name - G000089387.
Any/all suggestions on this would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.