please help me. I have an Access MDB with up to 3500 Pictures in it as OLE.
I must extract all these pictures to BMP Files automatically .
I didn't find the answer for this problem.
I know that SavePicture Image1.Picture, "C:\test.bmp" could fix this
Problem. But it dosen' t work under Access 2000.
If anyone has an idea please contakt me.
with regards
please help me. I have an Access MDB with up to 3500 Pictures in it as OLE.
I must extract all these pictures to BMP Files automatically .
I didn't find the answer for this problem.
I know that SavePicture Image1.Picture, "C:\test.bmp" could fix this
Problem. But it dosen' t work under Access 2000.
If anyone has an idea please contakt me.
with regards