Upon recovering from a crash, I upgraded to Outlook 2002 and imported
my (backup) .PST files. Everything looks and works the same except
for one issue: Although I can see, go to and manipulate my contacts
folder, when addresing an email (pressing the "To" button), Outlook
states "The address list could not be displayed. The Contacts folder
associated with this address list could not be opened; it may have
been moved or deleted, or you do not have permissions. For more
information on how to remove this folder from the Outlook Address
Book, see Microsoft Outlook Help.".
I Looked up the path of the .PST file and it's where it's supposed to
be. I make quarterly archives and I can load THEM and have the same
problem. I'm the only one on this computer, the administrator and
presumably have the resiquite permissions. My goal is NOT to "remove
this folder from the Outlook Address Book" as that (to me) implies
removing the .PST and Geeze, in any case, I'm having to memorize my
ex-wifes' email address! Help!
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my (backup) .PST files. Everything looks and works the same except
for one issue: Although I can see, go to and manipulate my contacts
folder, when addresing an email (pressing the "To" button), Outlook
states "The address list could not be displayed. The Contacts folder
associated with this address list could not be opened; it may have
been moved or deleted, or you do not have permissions. For more
information on how to remove this folder from the Outlook Address
Book, see Microsoft Outlook Help.".
I Looked up the path of the .PST file and it's where it's supposed to
be. I make quarterly archives and I can load THEM and have the same
problem. I'm the only one on this computer, the administrator and
presumably have the resiquite permissions. My goal is NOT to "remove
this folder from the Outlook Address Book" as that (to me) implies
removing the .PST and Geeze, in any case, I'm having to memorize my
ex-wifes' email address! Help!
x-- 100 Proof News - http://www.100ProofNews.com
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