Save File Dialog question


Elmo Watson

Let's say I have a filename in my Save File Dialog - then, from the filter
dropdown, I choose a different filetype - -
How can I change the filename (in the textbox), to show the extension that
was just changed in the filter dropdown?

Kevin Spencer

The problem here is that a file type has a default extension, but the same
file type can have different extensions. For example, the .txt and the .inf
extensions both open in NotePad by default. And you can give a file any
extension you wish, regardless of the file type. Now, if you set the
AddExtension property to true, and the user does not add the extension, the
SaveFileDialog will append the extension for the file type selected, but if
the user adds the extension, the SaveFileDialog will not change it.

This is the way the SaveFileDialog was designed. To change the behavior, you
would have to write your own Dialog box.


Kevin Spencer
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