AccessTester1 said:
These feature is well and good in Word, Excel, etc. However, we are
with database.
Actually, no, we are not dealing with a database. You are dealing with a
tool that is part of office.
And, this feature was asked for my users.
I suppose little things like this are reasons why Access is
not true RDBMS when compare to SqlServer, MySQL, etc.
I don't understand the above statement one bit??????? Would you call c++ a
database? Would you call VB a database?
How can you build a form with SqlServer? How can you build a report with
SqlServer? These database systems have NO ability to create a interface. To
create a interface to a database system you need to use tools like
ms-access, or VB.
ms-access is simply a development tool and database manger. IT IS NOT a
databases. If you want to use Sqlserver, or Sybase etc with ms-access you
are free to do so. In fact, for the last THREE versions of office, a free
copy of sql server has been provided on the office cd for use with
You are confused about the difference between a developer tool like c++, VB,
or ms-access, and that of a database. If you want to use a "true" RDBMS with
ms-access you are most free to do so. (and, a copy of the MSDE has been on
the office cd for use with ms-access since a2000). So, I have to agree that
VB, or ms-access is not a true RDBMS...but no self respecting person would
state that VB, c++, or ms-access is a "true RDBMS" anyway. These are just
tools that let you work with a database engine of your choice.
So, you are using a tool that is part of office (and, someone informed me
that the un-do behavior has been there for more ten 10 years!). The reason
why I never noticed the feature is that I RARELY allow navigation in a form
anyway. (it is silly to load up a form attached to a large table..;and
simply let users start working. I always asked the user BEFORE I load the
form what reocord to work on, then let them work, and then they close the
form to save.
It is poor idea to load up a form with so many records anyway from a
performance point of view anyway.
It is a simple matter to remove the un-do menu option anyway. So, a better
solution is to provide your own un-do menu option anyway. Either you let
users who know how to use ms-access work the way ms-acces always worked, or
you provide you own UI (for all of my appliations, I provide my own menus
So, just put in your own code to check if the record is dirty.
if me.dirty = true then
end if
So, if the record is not dirty...then the undo will not occur.
And, here is some great ideas on "why" using menus is a good idea