Thanks for the advice and help.
Some of the suggestions only sent the list directly to a printer, not to a
Some required scripting, which is (1) over my head and (2) supposedly turned
off on my computer.
Most revealed (to me) valuable sources of information.
Some of those sources, plus some searching, plus re-igniting some long-lost
memories, plus a fair bit of trial and error, led me to this relatively
simple solution:
In Windows, click start, then run, type in "cmd" (no quotes), and hit enter.
Then, use the old DOS dir command with a redirect. Simple example:
dir c:\ > c:\C-DirectoryListing.txt
When you've confirmed your output.txt (or whatever name you gave it) file,
type exit to get out of command mode.
The DOS dir command does have some restrictions and limitations, but it is
modifiable in terms of number and types of folders\files to check,
attributes, sort order, and time field, and wild cards can be used.
I found this (and more) information at
Thanks again to all for your information and guidance.