Save dialog box

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I have a button on a form that saves a report based off the data in the form.
A dialog box appears for the user to choose the file type but I can't seem to
force the save dialog box to pop up for the user to choose where to save the
file. Any suggestions? - Thank you

Private Sub CmdFileRpt_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdFileRpt_Click

Dim RptName As String

RptName = "Infection Control Report" & " " & [LstName] & " " & [AutoNum]

DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Infection Control Report", acFormat, RptName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdFileRpt_Click

End Sub
here is a function I use in my databases to get the location to save the
file to when I want to export to excel.

Public Function MySavePath(strFileName As String, _

Optional varDirectory As Variant, _

Optional varTitleForDialog As Variant) As

Dim strFilter As String

Dim strSaveFileName As String 'name to save file as

Dim strPath As String 'new file save as name

Dim lngFlags As Long

' don't bother displaying the read-only box. It'll only confuse people.


If IsMissing(varDirectory) Then

varDirectory = ""

End If

If IsMissing(varTitleForDialog) Then

varTitleForDialog = ""

End If

'Open a file save dialog box for xls files

strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Excel Files (*.xls)", "*.XLS")

'set the initial directory to the desktop

'set the text for the title of the FileOpen dialog box

'Specify the default file name

'strFileName = default save name supplied to function as variant from
calling form

'Specify the default file extension

'set openfile = false (for save instead of open)

'Now actually call to get the file and path.

MySavePath = ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _

Filter:=strFilter, _

OpenFile:=False, _

InitialDir:="c:\documents and settings\all users\desktop",

DefaultExt:="xls", _

FileName:=strFileName, _

DialogTitle:="Save file", _


'Debug.Print MySavePath

End Function

This function needs the code from The Access Web under the api section that
calls the standard windows file open/save dialog box.

You would put the code from the access web in a standard module.

Jeanette Cunningham
Sorry for the poor formatting in previous post, here I have made it more
Here is a function I use in my databases to get the location to save the
file to when I want to export to excel.

Public Function MySavePath(strFileName As String, _
Optional varDirectory As Variant, _
Optional varTitleForDialog As Variant) As

Dim strFilter As String
Dim strSaveFileName As String 'name to save file as
Dim strPath As String 'new file save as name
Dim lngFlags As Long
' don't bother displaying the read-only box. It'll only confuse people.

If IsMissing(varDirectory) Then
varDirectory = ""
End If

If IsMissing(varTitleForDialog) Then
varTitleForDialog = ""
End If

'Open a file save dialog box for xls files
strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Excel Files (*.xls)", "*.XLS")
'set the initial directory to the desktop
'set the text for the title of the FileOpen dialog box
'Specify the default file name
'strFileName = default save name supplied to function as string from
calling form
'Specify the default file extension
'set openfile = false (for save instead of open)
'Now actually call to get the file and path.

MySavePath = ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _
Filter:=strFilter, _
OpenFile:=False, _
InitialDir:="c:\documents and settings\all users\desktop",
DefaultExt:="xls", _
FileName:=strFileName, _
DialogTitle:="Save file", _

'Debug.Print MySavePath

End Function

This function needs the code from The Access Web under the api section that
calls the standard windows file open/save dialog box.

You would put the code from the access web in a standard module.

Jeanette Cunningham