Save data of a subform

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bernd Smits
  • Start date Start date

Bernd Smits

I've a form with a combobox composed of a list of value corrisponding to the
number of patient of a doctor, when I click on a button near the combobox I
can save, in a record of an associated table, the new patient number that
I've typed in the combobox, and at the same this button opens me a subform
below the combobox, where I, in the various field, can type other
information about the patient and the end I would like to save this
information in the same table as before, but it doesn't work. If I do the
same thing with an extern form (not a subform) it works, but with the
subform not.
Is it possible to save fields of a subform in the same table as where I save
the patient number, contained in the combobox in the principal form?

The use of a subform is designed to assist in handling one-to-many data
relationships. For example, an Order can have one or more Order Detail
rows, so a main form would contain data unique to the Order, while the
subform would contain Order Detail information related to the Order.

From your description, you are trying to add more data to the same table --
why use a subform?