Save attachment if email is from joe

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date


I need to save an attachment to a specific network drive/folder if an email
comes from a specific person. I know som excel vba but nothing in access,
can u guys help me out?

You can create a rule in Outlook to run a script that might look like this:

Public Sub SaveAtt(Mail as Outlook.MailItem)
Dim Att as Outlook.Attachment
If Mail.Attachments.Count Then
Set Att=Mail.Attachments(1)
Att.SaveAsFile "c:\" & Att.Filename
End Sub

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Category Manager - Manage and share your categories:
SAM - The Sending Account Manager:

Am Wed, 7 Apr 2010 12:03:03 -0700 schrieb Joe:
Should i set up a specific email and on a application server so that the
account is always logged in and not dependant on someone? How do i deal with
something like that? My comp IT dept isnt handy at all and they are on the
other side of the planet :(

Thank you
I set up a rule to run a script and got a message that it is a client-only
rul and will process only when outlook is running. I used your code and put
it in a module i added in the vba ide under the moduels folder. Please see
my prior post about doing it so that it will always run
The VBA macro can be run only within Outlook, not on the server.

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Category Manager - Manage and share your categories:
SAM - The Sending Account Manager:

Am Thu, 8 Apr 2010 05:01:01 -0700 schrieb Joe: