Save As.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul W Smith
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Paul W Smith

I hope this forum might be able to answer this question.

On the Save As.... dialog box, in the left hand column there are short-cuts
to - My Recent Document, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer and My Network
Places. Is there any way to add additonal short-cuts to this column?

aul Smith
There might be a way to do it, but it is not a functionality of Excel. It
would be through the Windows Application and it would apply to all other
applications such as Word, Power Point, etc.
What version of excel are you using?

In xl2002 and xl2003, you can do file|open and then go to the parent folder of
the folder you want. Then click on the Tools button (top right corner) and
click "Add to Places".

If you're using xl2k, MS has a COM addin that's called Places.exe
that allows you to update the places list.;en-us;Q253338
INFO: Office Developer Samples and Tools Available for Download (Q253338)

I don't use xl2007 enough to know for sure, but it might be similar to
Thanks Dave, I use XL2003.

I have XL2007 but find the new interface makes work so slow... I know I will
probably have to use it eventually but what were Microsoft thinking when
they changed the GUI so radically. Can any actually make a case that it is
better... different yes, but better?????

Paul Smith
There are lots of very smart people (excel power users) who have tried xl2007
and like it better than the old xl2003 menus. Most say give it a week or two
and you'll be surprised.

On the other hand, there are other very smart people who just hate it.

Here's hoping that you start to like it the more you use it. I don't think the
bus is turning around on this.
In 2007 it is Office Button>Open.

Browse to the folder and right-click on My Places bar and "Add folder name"

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP