Save As

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sunshine
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When I try to use the Save As DVD-RW Drive X using a CD-RW disk I get a
message "You do not have access to the folder X:\ See your administrator
for access to this folder."

When using a CD-R disk I get the message "Word cannot save or create this
file. Make sure that the disk you want to save the file on is not full,
write-protected, or damaged." I can drag and drop same files to both disk
with out any problems. What am I overlooking? Thanks

Are you using the native burning software or a UDF (packet writing)
software? The native burner "appears" to be using drag and drop, but it's
actually just staging the files and you need to write them to the disk in a
separate step. UDF (real d-n-d software) would support what you are trying
to do, but it must be running at boot (loaded into memory) in order to
function on demand.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -
You should not rely on Xp CD burning system. It can only handle CD-Rs and
will not allow you to 'SAVE' to X:. Look at getting better CD/DVD software,
like Roxio Easy Media Creator or Ahead Nero.