save as version 2003 problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Keith G Hicks
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Keith G Hicks

I'm working in vba in Access to create and save an Excel file. All's good
except that one of the workstations this is runnign on is using Office 2007.
I'm developing in 2003 and all the other workstatiosn they have are using
2003. It's very important that the files be saved in 2003 format.

When I do this, it runs fine and saves as 97/95

objExcelBk.SaveAs sTempPath & sExcelFileName, xlExcel9795 ','56 = xl

I read online in a forum post that "56" is the correct code for saving as
2003 but that's when the code is written in 2007. I cannot find a constant
in the list of constants in 2003 to save as 2003 (like xlExcel0003 for
example) and the "56" below causes the code to crash.

objExcelBk.SaveAs sTempPath & sExcelFileName, 56

I may end up having to use xlExcel9795 and I think that will be okay but
how do I code this to ensure saving as 2003 format while writing the code in


Well to make this worse, I just learned that 2007 does not support saving as
95/97 so I'm guessing that if someone using Office 2007 runs my code that
has xlExcel9795 in it then they will get an error too.
I think this will solve the problem. Any feedback?

Dim lCurrXlVersion As Long
lCurrXlVersion = objExcelApp.Version

objExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = False
Select Case lCurrXlVersion
Case 11
objExcelBk.SaveAs sTempPath & sExcelFileName
Case 12, 14
objExcelBk.SaveAs sTempPath & sExcelFileName, 56 '56 = xl
Case Else
MsgBox "Error saving Excel file because you are not using
version 2003, 2007 or 2010"
End Select
That's where I got some of the code I'm using but it only works if you are
running it in 2007/2010. If you try to do this:

objExcelBk.SaveAs sTempPath & sExcelFileName, 56

in Access 2003 vba, it doesn't run because "56" is not a valid version # as
far as vba 2003 is concerned.
Do you say that the macro example from my site is not working if you run it in 2003