As I'm a non expert and self taught over many years I guess there are some
who will say this is not correct but this is how I overcame the same problem.
1 convert the macro to visual basic by selecting the macro and selecting
tools convert macros to visual basic.
You will then see the outputto commands
You need to select the control name on the form you are interested in, in my
case Form_Invoice.txtInvNum.Value This gives the variable "the invoice
number" of each document to the myinvNum (As the invoice number is common to
all four sheets, this is only performed once)
Then assign that value to a string
The following example opens four reports, C of C, Invoice, Invoice List and
Packing list. it then exports these to snapshot files (at the moment to
C:\Temp\ but this will be changed to a network directory but it worked for
the trial.) It then exports the same four documents as RTF files (eventually
to a different netwok directory to the Snapshot files)
Once complete, the programme closes the reports. You will have to assign the
visual basic to a command button.
I have missed a few dims for the strings but the sample works in both access
2000 and access 2003. I did have a problem originally because it was written
in 2003 and wouldn't work in 2000 but I overcame that problem. the reason for
exporting in both formats is, I wish to retain the RTF Files which can be
searched for specific text fields like "Moulding Insert", where the snapshot
views will be e mailed but cannot be serched for text values.
I hope this helps but as I have said, I am not an "expert"
Function Export_Tooling()
Dim myInvNum, myfile As String
On Error GoTo Export_Tooling_Err
myInvNum = Form_Invoice.txtInvNum.Value
SNPCofC = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " C of C Tooling" & ".snp"
SNPInvoice = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " Invoice Tooling" & ".snp"
SNPInvoiceList = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " Invoice List Tooling" & ".snp"
SNPPackingList = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " Packing List Tooling" & ".snp"
RTFCofC = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " C of C Tooling" & ".rtf"
RTFInvoice = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " Invoice Tooling" & ".rtf"
RTFInvoiceList = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " Invoice List Tooling" & ".rtf"
RTFPackingList = "C:\Temp\" & myInvNum & " Packing List Tooling" & ".rtf"
DoCmd.OpenReport "C_of_C", acViewPreview, "", ""
DoCmd.OpenReport "Invoice", acViewPreview, "", ""
DoCmd.OpenReport "Rprt_Invoice_List_Tooling", acViewPreview, "", ""
DoCmd.OpenReport "Rprt_Packing_List_Tooling", acViewPreview, "", ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "C_of_C", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", SNPCofC,
True, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Invoice", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", SNPInvoice,
True, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Rprt_Invoice_List_Tooling",
"SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", SNPInvoiceList, True, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Rprt_Packing_List_Tooling",
"SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", SNPPackingList, True, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "C_of_C", "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", RTFCofC,
True, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Invoice", "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", RTFInvoice,
True, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Rprt_Invoice_List_Tooling",
"RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", RTFInvoiceList, True, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Rprt_Packing_List_Tooling",
"RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", RTFPackingList, True, ""
DoCmd.Close acReport, "C_of_C"
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Invoice"
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Rprt_Invoice_List_Tooling"
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Rprt_Packing_List_Tooling"
I have found a solution, as I'm a self taught non expert, I guess there will
be some who say this is not correct but this is the way that I overcame the
1, Convert the macro to VBA
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume Export_Tooling_Exit
End Function