Savastores Mobo kits?

Jun 7, 2005
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Hi everybody!

Has anyone got any experience or use those mobo kits from savastore. I know they are not exactly cutting edge esp chipset etc. I bought the 2.8 P4 ready tested one last year and it worked fine- nothing exciting.

The question is would it be a good basis for building a half decent gaming system. I was thinking of getting a Tsunami case and a 6800 based graphics card along with a P4 3.2 kit. The only reason I ask is that I am quite competant with hardware building except assembling the CPU on the board.- somebody else can pick up the pieces when it goes FUBAH.

Any experiences good or bad, or indeed, anybody else that does good mobo kits
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post the link of what your looking at and we can advise on alternatives