Generally speaking, which is faster - SATA hard drives or PATA hard drives?
(Both internal).
What is the best way to clone the system hard drive? I have previously used
an XCOPY command and the Recovery Console, but this is too tedious. I was
thinking of using a trial edition of Norton Ghost or something to create a
full backup of the drive, then restore the backup on the new drive.
Lastly, I was wondering is it better to have a larger hard drive for
programs and the smaller for Windows or vice versa? I want Windows to start
up and run as fast as possible.
(Both internal).
What is the best way to clone the system hard drive? I have previously used
an XCOPY command and the Recovery Console, but this is too tedious. I was
thinking of using a trial edition of Norton Ghost or something to create a
full backup of the drive, then restore the backup on the new drive.
Lastly, I was wondering is it better to have a larger hard drive for
programs and the smaller for Windows or vice versa? I want Windows to start
up and run as fast as possible.