See comments below:
Ron said:
Hmm. Recommend you buy a SATA drive, and connect it to the SATA controller
[as a standalone drive]. Forget the RAID for now.
I say this because:
(1) you need *two* identical SATA drives for the onboard RAID...
Actually they don't need to be identical. Of course ideally they are, but
it will work with any 2 drives.
(2) in order to initiate a striped array you firsat must totally wipe both
[RAIDed] drives and install the OS from scratch...
Yes, you need to wipe the drives, but you can then just restore your backup
onto the new raid0 array and away you go. There's no need to reinstall the
OS and all your apps. The only thing you do need to do is, install the raid
driver *before* you do your backup. Then when you restore, the raid driver
is in place and Windows can read itself from its new home on the raid array.
(3) Buying a SATA drive now will at least put you partway toward creating a
nice fast [RAID0] array some time down the road. (Because then you will
only need to buy ONE additional 120G SATA drive!)
True, but he can use a cheap pata>sata adaptor and have a raid array
straight away using his existing drive and 1 new sata drive.
(3a) Since you're going to buy a new drive *anyway*, and since the serial
interface is the "next wave' might as well pick up a SATA drive
now...'cuz you can!
I agree. Buying a pata drive is going to be a much more limited investment.
Please post a follow-up.