After replacing Trimble with a small shell script on Wednesday 28 March 2007
20:33, the following appeared on stdout:
I suppose I could Araldite just the connection on the drive which
seems to be the
loosest .
Hot glue. It /is/ possible to get this off. Of course, you are more likely
to break a SATA connector, regardless of fixing method if you're constantly
plugging and unplugging drives. SATA connections are not at all robust.
In this situation, I'd invest in a SATA caddy/rack assembly, glue the data
connector into this and then you can change the drive in the caddy to your
heart's content.
Is there available better in this respect cables ?
Some Asus boards (notably the P5B deluxe) come with SATA data cables
(usually bright orange for some reason) that have little metal catches on
them, released by pressing a metal tab. Western Digital do a special cable
for use with their drives that is both a power cable and a retainer for the
data cable.