my sys O/S is on a 120gb HDD named C:/ __I have 3 HDD's and 2 in removable
racks I want to use a Sata internal 320gb (named H
HDD for my sys O/S___I
have a Ghost image on another internal drv (named D
I also have a Hirems
Boot Disk, how do I start this, as I know that If I use the ghost image and
install onto my Sata H:/ I will finish up with 2 C:/ drives____I know that
you should remove power or take out the old SYS drive before rebooting___but
can I do anything with my Hirems bootdisk on reboot__such as format the old
Sys drive which would now be probable in giving me a problem.
With kind regards From OZ
racks I want to use a Sata internal 320gb (named H

have a Ghost image on another internal drv (named D

Boot Disk, how do I start this, as I know that If I use the ghost image and
install onto my Sata H:/ I will finish up with 2 C:/ drives____I know that
you should remove power or take out the old SYS drive before rebooting___but
can I do anything with my Hirems bootdisk on reboot__such as format the old
Sys drive which would now be probable in giving me a problem.
With kind regards From OZ