SATA hard drive won't wake up

  • Thread starter Thread starter M. Trussell
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M. Trussell

My Vista Ultimate is set to never turn off, hibernate or sleep but if I
leave it for an hour with the screen saver on when I come back I cannot get
the hard drive to activate...I have to hard boot. Anyone heard of this?


M. Trussell
I do not think that your system drive is going to sleep. There is enough
background activity constantly occurring that would prevent this from
happening. What makes you suspect this? It may be something entirely



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User
Well, the computer is just "frozen"...the screen comes back but moving the
mouse or anything else does not wake it up. The hard drive light will blink
maybe every 20 seconds but I have to hard boot it to use it. I have been
running Vista for about 8 months...beta then retail Ultimate full version
clean install. I am a former MS beta tester and this is the first problem
like this I have had. At first I though it was my Lexar USB jump drive but
even without the jump drive in it this happens.
And do you have set the drive options in the advanced setting from the power

In there is still a setting to shut down the drive!

That sounds more like a video freeze. If the hard drive didn't wake up, you
wouldn't even see what you are seeing.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User All hard drive settings are OK...never sleep
video is EVGA
This just started happening...been fine
Well, the computer is just "frozen"...the screen comes back but moving the
mouse or anything else does not wake it up. The hard drive light will blink
maybe every 20 seconds but I have to hard boot it to use it.

Nasty, and the bad exits are going to hurt, no matter how much AutoChk
will try to shove the bodies under the carpet.

If I had one guess, I'd guess a wonky S-ATA connection.

Else I'd go back and verify hardware...
- eyeball caps and fans
- 24hrs in MemTest86 with alternate boot disk in place
- HD-Tune check of physical hard drive
....and then I'd state-chart a few cumulative baselines...
- normal Windows
- as above, but eject all removable disks
- as above, but off all networks and wireless
- as above, with all peripherals unplugged
- as above, with all startups disabled in MSConfig
- as above, with all 3rd-party services disabled in MSConfig
- Safe Mode
- Safe Mode Cmd Only
- WinPE or Vista DVD boot, Cmd

As a shortcut before all the above, I'd start by disabling any
auto-sleep stuff, especially within the BIOS.

--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
Saws are too hard to use.
Be easier to use!
I have a 300GB SATA hard drive as my D: drive. My C drive is a 70GB RAID 0
config. Anyway, when my computer wakes from sleep, it wakes just fine, all
functions work, except my D: drive is now gone... poof.. vanished. All
access, files, and trace of it's existence are gone. If I shut down and hard
reboot, it comes back.

Could be the same problem any advice?
Same issue with a maxtor external on firewire. I might try the usb connection
to see if it goes away.