hi all, need a bit of help here,
just cleaned out my pc from dust and restarted it but my pc now wont see my
western dig 500 gb HD, i have windows xp on a 350gb and games on a raptor 70
gb but my main back up HD cant be seen, all conected with sata 2 cables
my pc hangs at the windows XP boot up screen until i disconect the larger
HD, then it boots ok seeing the raptor and the 350 gb HD's. there is still
power going to the HD and i have changed all the cables for new ones but
still nothing
has it gone bang, or do i need to reformat or is it somthing with windows
with power still spinning it up, can i get a company to data transfer ????
cheers all
just cleaned out my pc from dust and restarted it but my pc now wont see my
western dig 500 gb HD, i have windows xp on a 350gb and games on a raptor 70
gb but my main back up HD cant be seen, all conected with sata 2 cables
my pc hangs at the windows XP boot up screen until i disconect the larger
HD, then it boots ok seeing the raptor and the 350 gb HD's. there is still
power going to the HD and i have changed all the cables for new ones but
still nothing
has it gone bang, or do i need to reformat or is it somthing with windows
with power still spinning it up, can i get a company to data transfer ????
cheers all