
  • Thread starter Thread starter Stuart
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In regards to the latest virus/worm to flood the
internet. I would suggest that Microsoft recode the
affected operating systems to eluminate the potential
flaws and to send out CD's which the new and improved OS
to registed users who have gone out if their way and
spent £90 -£150 on a OS which is vunrable to attacks.
As we all know Bill Gates is worth $100 billion and can
therefore afford to sort out his company's software.
It would be great if windows would do this, but I called to get the xp cd (didn't come with my computer - pre-installed). Windows asked me who the manufacture was and I told them HP. I was told that I would have to call HP for support. I emailed HP support on this matter and I was told that I could get my system up and running without the xp cd or the recovery cd. Funny!!! NOTHING has worked. I have tried everything from windows help to hp help. All the boot programs, etc. Cannot do ____!!!. Yet I'm suppose to go buy the software that should have come with my machine, anyway!!!! My function keys don't even work (f keys). It's been almost 3 weeks now. I got the other computer up and running, but not mine. I was doing a backup when my system completely crashed. The xp recovery cd won't even work. THIS SUCKS!!

----- Stuart wrote: ----

In regards to the latest virus/worm to flood the
internet. I would suggest that Microsoft recode the
affected operating systems to eluminate the potential
flaws and to send out CD's which the new and improved OS
to registed users who have gone out if their way and
spent £90 -£150 on a OS which is vunrable to attacks
As we all know Bill Gates is worth $100 billion and can
therefore afford to sort out his company's software
Simply using a firewall, which is necessary anyways, eliminates the
threat of Sasser and a whole bunch more.
A firewall would be needed whether there are weaknesses in Windows or
If everyone had done that which is prudent to do, Sasser would have
been a non event.
Sasser would not have even made it to the back page of any paper.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

In regards to the latest virus/worm to flood the
internet. I would suggest that Microsoft recode the
affected operating systems to eluminate the potential
flaws and to send out CD's which the new and improved OS
to registed users who have gone out if their way and
spent £90 -£150 on a OS which is vunrable to attacks.
As we all know Bill Gates is worth $100 billion and can
therefore afford to sort out his company's software.
Get back to HP.
You may be able to get a CD from HP for a price as long as you have
not had the computer to long.
HP had several options and chose one of the cheapest options thus
saving you a little $.
Of course this may not be true if you can honestly say price had no
effect on your buying decision.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

clbrecheen said:
It would be great if windows would do this, but I called to get the
xp cd (didn't come with my computer - pre-installed). Windows asked
me who the manufacture was and I told them HP. I was told that I
would have to call HP for support. I emailed HP support on this
matter and I was told that I could get my system up and running
without the xp cd or the recovery cd. Funny!!! NOTHING has worked.
I have tried everything from windows help to hp help. All the boot
programs, etc. Cannot do ____!!!. Yet I'm suppose to go buy the
software that should have come with my machine, anyway!!!! My
function keys don't even work (f keys). It's been almost 3 weeks now.
I got the other computer up and running, but not mine. I was doing a
backup when my system completely crashed. The xp recovery cd won't
even work. THIS SUCKS!!!
You have got to be kidding! I would like to see an operating system that has no vulnerabilities. Software bugs are part of the lifecycle of code regardless of operating system. Unix, Linux, Mac, OS/400, etc ALL have had vulnerabilities. Since Windows is the most widely used, it is attacked more.

In all fairness, Microsoft did provide a mechanism to deliver updates called Windows Update. It provides you a way of receiving critical security patches, download them and install them. You know, most Linux distributions have adopted this same concept, give the customer a notification and an easy way to be updated

if you hate Microsoft so much, why not find a new operating system, otherwise, be diligent and get those downloads. A patch to protect against Sasser was released 2 weeks prior to Sasser's release

----- Stuart wrote: ----

In regards to the latest virus/worm to flood the
internet. I would suggest that Microsoft recode the
affected operating systems to eluminate the potential
flaws and to send out CD's which the new and improved OS
to registed users who have gone out if their way and
spent £90 -£150 on a OS which is vunrable to attacks
As we all know Bill Gates is worth $100 billion and can
therefore afford to sort out his company's software
YEs really you got to be kidding. AT least Microsoft releases updates that
dont cost money and does service packs.. This is not a Microsoft issue
anyways .. If you drive down the road and you get hit by a flying rock, and
breaks your winshied do you blame the car maker for putting in breakable
If you realized how time and effort and money goes into an operating system
to do thebest and fix problems before release you probably would understand
Baffled said:
You have got to be kidding! I would like to see an operating system that
has no vulnerabilities. Software bugs are part of the lifecycle of code
regardless of operating system. Unix, Linux, Mac, OS/400, etc ALL have had
vulnerabilities. Since Windows is the most widely used, it is attacked more.
In all fairness, Microsoft did provide a mechanism to deliver updates
called Windows Update. It provides you a way of receiving critical security
patches, download them and install them. You know, most Linux distributions
have adopted this same concept, give the customer a notification and an easy
way to be updated.
if you hate Microsoft so much, why not find a new operating system,
otherwise, be diligent and get those downloads. A patch to protect against
Sasser was released 2 weeks prior to Sasser's release.
Yes I would call HP back and it is trued that everything you need is on your
computer. They placed the image on the hard drive for the CD so there is a
way for them to help you without a cd to recover your computer.. Contact HP
by phone and talk a live person ..
Maybe the sp2 will take care of all of this!!! Firewall was inabled. UPdates done automatically. Patches installed. Nortons found 5 virus and deleted the ones that it could, but mine quit during backup and won't do a thing. There are some of us that do what we are suppose to do, and it still does no good sometimes. Can't boot. No f10., etc. How is it not a microsoft issue, when it is their software

----- randy wrote: ----

YEs really you got to be kidding. AT least Microsoft releases updates tha
dont cost money and does service packs.. This is not a Microsoft issu
anyways .. If you drive down the road and you get hit by a flying rock, an
breaks your winshied do you blame the car maker for putting in breakabl
If you realized how time and effort and money goes into an operating syste
to do thebest and fix problems before release you probably would understan
Baffled said:
You have got to be kidding! I would like to see an operating system tha
has no vulnerabilities. Software bugs are part of the lifecycle of cod
regardless of operating system. Unix, Linux, Mac, OS/400, etc ALL have ha
vulnerabilities. Since Windows is the most widely used, it is attacked morecalled Windows Update. It provides you a way of receiving critical securit
patches, download them and install them. You know, most Linux distribution
have adopted this same concept, give the customer a notification and an eas
way to be updatedotherwise, be diligent and get those downloads. A patch to protect agains
Sasser was released 2 weeks prior to Sasser's release
From the two posts you have here, it seems more like an HP issue.
HP chose and setup the recovery method on your computer, not
Microsoft did give HP many choices of which HP choose the cheapest,
and HP customers choose HP partially based on low cost.
Therefore to a point you chose this cheaper method.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

clbrecheen said:
Maybe the sp2 will take care of all of this!!! Firewall was
inabled. UPdates done automatically. Patches installed. Nortons
found 5 virus and deleted the ones that it could, but mine quit during
backup and won't do a thing. There are some of us that do what we are
suppose to do, and it still does no good sometimes. Can't boot. No
f10., etc. How is it not a microsoft issue, when it is their
If you can't boot from the CD (and have set the BIOS to enable this, and
pressed whatever key you need to to prompt for it at startup) it isn't a
Windows issue. It's a hardware one. Have you called HP?