SAP is making me do things I am fundemetaly opposed to just to get at
the data others need to report on.
I work for an un-named entertainment company in the labor portion of
its themepark business.
IT refuses to allow direct access to the data, refuses to create
queries that allows us to get all the info we need at one time, and to
top it all off, we were able to get the info easily under peoplesoft.
I know I am just whining here, but it is getting frustrating.
Imagine not being able to pull second address line at the same time as
first address line.
Can't even do a simple mail merge without pulling 2 queries then
combining them in an outside program like access.
Throw in the fact that SAP adds extra columns for no reason so that no
2 exports are the same.
Sorry for the whine.
Anybody have some cheese?