I updated at Odark:thirty this morning and had to do it the hard
way.......delete the 2 largest def files, etc. and got the update BUT the
update time and date didn't change from the previous 5701 update. I
eventually uninstalled MSAS and reinstalled it, getting at least a corrected
update time.
On the other hand, I went to my DHs machine, which is 5 feet away from mine
and on the same broadband connection and ran a manual update through
file>check for updates, and lo and behold, it updated correctly! Now, that
machine has been one of those that updates but never shows the correct info
under the About menu, unless you redo the update command. It has even had
trouble with automatic updating.
My machine has generally updated manually with very few issues (not every
time, but correctly after the first few goofy times). That my machine acted
up this time, and the "problem" machine didn't, is a true enigma. I don't
have the patience to wait for the auto update and manually check two or more
times each day.......I only state this because if it's a regional problem
then maybe I need to move my machine to the other side of this 9 x 10 foot
room to get in the same region ;0}