I just purchased a new Samsung ML-2510 laser printer and am trying to get the
drivers to install under 32-bit Vista Home Premium SP1 on a HP laptop. Here's
what happens: the installer starts up, unpacks its files, then throws up an
"Initializing..." dialog box. The progress bar gets to about 75% completion,
then I get a blue screen of death. I've downloaded the latest driver software
from Samsung and get the same result at the same point of the install
process. I've let Vista search for the driver and install it, and this ALSO
results in a BSOD and reboot. I've tried disabling all of my
anit-virus/firewall/etc. software and STILL get the BSOD. I've searched here,
Googled the web, searched Samsungs support (ha), and cannot find any
reference to this issue.
Has anyone out there had a similar problem? If so were you able to resolve
it? How? Any suggestions or assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in
drivers to install under 32-bit Vista Home Premium SP1 on a HP laptop. Here's
what happens: the installer starts up, unpacks its files, then throws up an
"Initializing..." dialog box. The progress bar gets to about 75% completion,
then I get a blue screen of death. I've downloaded the latest driver software
from Samsung and get the same result at the same point of the install
process. I've let Vista search for the driver and install it, and this ALSO
results in a BSOD and reboot. I've tried disabling all of my
anit-virus/firewall/etc. software and STILL get the BSOD. I've searched here,
Googled the web, searched Samsungs support (ha), and cannot find any
reference to this issue.
Has anyone out there had a similar problem? If so were you able to resolve
it? How? Any suggestions or assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in