First of all, thanks for the instruction. It really helps.
The printer was having problem feeding paper RIGHT AFTER I REPLACED
THE TONER. This sucked that I had already spent $70 for the toner! I
didn't have any issue with this printer. So, $70 bucks it was.
Otherwise, I would just trash it and buy a new one. ($70 + $30 = one
brand new printer)
I just cleaned the roller with alcohol a moment ago. This seems to
work for now.
My plan is to see if I can use up most of the toner first. If the
rubber band can hand on till I finish the toner, it will be perfect
though very unlikely since the new toner can print 3000 pages.
However, by the time I finish the toner (probably another 2-3 years),
they may not make the part anymore. So, in this senerio, it is
better to just buy the part now and replace it later.
However, other parts of the printer may fail in the next 2-3 years...
or in the worst case senerio, it may just die tomorrow.
hmmm... chicken and egg senerio here!!!
So, no solution is the best solution. I will just do nothing and let
nature do its part.
P.S. I think I know why the roller fails so fast (I printed only 800
pages). The roller is inside and right on top of the fuser. It is
very hot in that area. This kills the rubber band in no time I
think. So, next time I should buy a printer where the rubber band is
away from any hot component.