Samsung HD103SJ SpinPoint F3 1TB SATA-II 3.5" Hard Drive

Bargain :D

I have two 1TB Samsung drives and they are fast, quiet and cheap - I like them ;).
:D I have a 500gig a 1gig and a 1.5 gig I think they are great drives and I have got them all at Aria where I get most of my bits and pieces.:nod:
I have some Samsung HDD's, they're ok.

I have also had, during the last 5 years, two Samsung drives fail on me.

Both rma'd ok and it really doesn't mean a lot, I'd buy Samsung again.

Like I keep bangin' on about, the brand don't matter, the batch does ;)

And I'm really keen on Hitachi drives meself, every bit as quick and fast as Samsungs - omg!
its a big con, they go out of stock for 15-20mins then miraculously have another 15 left :rolleyes: