Bargain Samsung 8ms 19" LCD Monitor (DVI) - £159.99


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Edit: Bargain Over! Price has gone back up.

Bargain at SavaStore here

19", 1280x1024, 8ms, DVI!

3 Year Warranty too.
So it is :( Was cheap before when I checked, but it must have been a misprice - I thought it was a bit cheap!

Damn :(
Don't be mad

Well techy... I've just been lucky.. and the sale ends Monday. If any consilation I've heard shipping from US to UK is not that bad.
How come most stuff in America is much cheaper? eg i bought an effects pedal for my guitar a few months ago - £200 UK, £70 in America - ????
Raje said:
Well techy... I've just been lucky.. and the sale ends Monday. If any consilation I've heard shipping from US to UK is not that bad.
Shipping is easy ... when WE get the import tax is the bugger. ;)

PotGuy ... there are more of them, so the sales volum is more so they can sell cheaper :D But realy, it has always been like that. Don't go to Canada or Aussie land, there you'll pay 5 times more. :eek:

Techy said:
never had a problem with them. everyone to their own.

how ironic!

they must have the biggest complaints about any one retailer on this site!

but still like to say 'everyone to their own!'