Or use an Include page at the bottom of all pages
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| This is where Dynamic Web Templates come in. A DWT is essentially a web page
| that has certain regions defined as editable. The rest remains the same
| across all pages. This lets you create regions for your content, then keep
| an identical look and feel for the overall site as well as things like links
| in a footer.
| The main problem lies after you already have your site up and running. You
| would have to create the DWT template with the look and feel, then attach
| the existing pages to it and place their content into the new content areas
| that you defined in the DWT. Usually this kind of thing is done in the
| planning and layout stages of the site design. When you create a new page
| based on a DWT, anytime you make a modification to the DWT it will also
| change the other pages (you'll need to upload all the pages to the site when
| you update the DWT since it will go and change all the other pages to
| match).
| Hope this helps,
| Mark Fitzpatrick
| Microsoft MVP - Expression
| | > Hi,
| > I would like a few things on the bottom of each page of my site and would
| > like them to all be there when I make a new page and also update every
| > page
| > when I change the location of the hyperlink so I don't have to do each
| > page
| > individually.
| > Thanks,