Sales per dealer code



I have a list of all sales made by our dealers. Each dealer has an individual
dealer code. I need to count how many sales each dealer has made and so need
to count how many times each dealer code appears in my list. Is there a quick
and easy way of doing this - my list has over 15,000 entries, comprising of
hundreds of dealer codes!!


Hi Tray............

Maybe take a look at

Data > can count, sum, etc........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


First you need to sort your list by dealer code.

I assume that your list contains one sale per row because you said you
needed to COUNT how many times a dealer code was in the list.

Then Subtotal by dealer code. Data, Subtotals, select the Dealer Code for
'At each change in' and select Count for 'Use function' and select 'Dealer
Code' for 'Add subtotal to'

If instead you have a column that contains # of sales, select Sum for 'Use
function' and select the # of Sales column for 'Add subtotal to'

Hope this helps,
Francis Hayes (The Excel Addict)


Hi, Tray;
Assuming column A contains the dealer codes in your list, then in another
column, such as B, list the dealer codes one time each. In a third column,
use the countif function, like: =COUNTIF(A:A;B2). This will return the number
of times the dealer code in B2 shows up in column A. Fill the formula on down
for the other dealer codes.


IanRoy said:
Hi, Tray;
Assuming column A contains the dealer codes in your list, then in another
column, such as B, list the dealer codes one time each. In a third column,
use the countif function, like: =COUNTIF(A:A;B2). This will return the number
of times the dealer code in B2 shows up in column A. Fill the formula on down
for the other dealer codes.

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