At work we have a few spreadsheets that we use on a daily basis...
'Monthly Cash Sheet' is one. It is a sales ledger that trackes everything
from Daily sales, to DIscounts and Pormos sold. There are 50 pieces of info
that is recorded each day at closing. Right now we use an excel spreadsheet
that tracks the data in ledger format. One tab for each month and a new file
for each year. We have already moved out inventory to a database but we want
to move the Sales ledger to a database as well but there seems to be so much
info that I do not know where to start as far as design. The employees do
not deal well with change so I am trying to keep the layout similar but it
just seems overwelming in complexity... The format of the ledger now is:
Dates down the left and data across the top. The catch is that each week
there is a week and month totals row.
It is just one big sheet... and moved to an access form is ugly by design I
guess is the best way to put it...
Any suggestions on this or examples of other projects like it would be
At work we have a few spreadsheets that we use on a daily basis...
'Monthly Cash Sheet' is one. It is a sales ledger that trackes everything
from Daily sales, to DIscounts and Pormos sold. There are 50 pieces of info
that is recorded each day at closing. Right now we use an excel spreadsheet
that tracks the data in ledger format. One tab for each month and a new file
for each year. We have already moved out inventory to a database but we want
to move the Sales ledger to a database as well but there seems to be so much
info that I do not know where to start as far as design. The employees do
not deal well with change so I am trying to keep the layout similar but it
just seems overwelming in complexity... The format of the ledger now is:
Dates down the left and data across the top. The catch is that each week
there is a week and month totals row.
It is just one big sheet... and moved to an access form is ugly by design I
guess is the best way to put it...
Any suggestions on this or examples of other projects like it would be