saivng project to use on another computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter kristi2m
  • Start date Start date


My students are all working on movies. Only my computer will allow the
capture of video(usb), I want to save the clips either to the network
drive(which does not show up when i capture) or to a cd. how can i get the
source files and the project in one file in order to copy it to the shared or
network drive?

Any and all help is so appreciated as I have been working on this problem
for at least a dozen hours
kristi2m said:
My students are all working on movies. Only my computer will allow
the capture of video(usb), I want to save the clips either to the
network drive(which does not show up when i capture) or to a cd. how
can i get the source files and the project in one file in order to
copy it to the shared or network drive?

Any and all help is so appreciated as I have been working on this
problem for at least a dozen hours
Couldn't you copy the .mswmm project
file and all the source files to a single folder
and then use a jump drive, CD, DVD, etc...
to move the folder to another computer?

After the move...when you re-open the
..mswmm file on the target system you will
have to re-establish the link to the source files.

When source files are moved or deleted from
their original locations the links will be lost and
Red Xs appear.

Try right clicking the Red Xs and see if you
can Browse to the source files and re-establish
the link.


John Inzer
Digital Media MVP

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I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

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John, I am having a similar problem. Browsing and reconnection is a pain when
your movie is made up of hundreds of files.

In my case I am trying to move my daughter's project from a desktop(XP)
where she started the project to her new laptop(Vista). The folder structures
are different. Is there an .ini file or a registry setting that would allow
me to tell Movie maker where to find the files?
vinnyb said:
John, I am having a similar problem. Browsing and reconnection is a
pain when your movie is made up of hundreds of files.

In my case I am trying to move my daughter's project from a
desktop(XP) where she started the project to her new laptop(Vista).
The folder structures are different. Is there an .ini file or a
registry setting that would allow me to tell Movie maker where to
find the files?
Sorry but a simple copy/paste and then
browse is the only way I know of. Maybe
someone else will have a solution.


John Inzer
Digital Media MVP

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk