Jason Wade said:
I've downloaded the socketlock application from
I'm hoping that someone can tell me something about
the program before I run it.
You know, deliberately running programs without knowing what they do would
seem to me to be an excellent way of picking up a virus.
For example, if it's a trojan--please let me know!

I doubt that Gibson would ever put up anything that was known by him to be a
Trojan, so I doubt that it is. However, I really wouldn't recommend running
an extra piece of software on your box unless you have a reason to do so.
What's your reason for wanting to run socketlock? It would seem to me to be
locking the stable door after the horse has bolted (and while the horse is
known to be an expert locksmith to begin with). Socketlock's basic
assumption is that you have installed, and are running, malware. What stops
socketlock from being disabled by that same malware?
Prevent the malware from being installed, rather than trying to chase after
it once it's on your system.
Finally, note that even Gibson himself, on the page you reference, says that
it's not designed to be installed on the released version of Windows XP.
You have no good reason to be running this executable. That alone should
prevent you from running it.
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