| "forgetful friend" <forgetful (e-mail address removed)>
| wrote in message | is there a safe mode? and if so how do i get there
| someone once told me i hit a key as it's booting, but i forgot what key : (
| plz help me thank you, very much
As the others have written the key is F8. For more information
about how to "start the computer in safe mode" search the Windows
XP Help and Support Center for the words in double-quotes and
read the Suggested Topic by that title.
Alternatively, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
KB315222 - A Description of the Safe Mode Boot Options in Windows XP
An additional note. If your boot.ini file has only one [Operating Systems]
section boot option, then no Boot menu is displayed when you start the
computer. Furthermore, your operating system loads automatically
without pausing, and there is not an indication as to when you should
press F8 to boot into Safe Mode.
To force a Boot menu to appear you can edit the Boot.ini file and create
a second entry in the [Operating Systems] section. And create a Timeout
value greater then zero.
After that, when you boot a menu will appear that lists Operating System
startup choices, and that has the text: "For troubleshooting and advanced
startup options for Windows, press F8." And when you see this menu it
is the correct time to press F8 to boot into Safe Mode.
For more information about the problem see the following
Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
KB242443 - Boot Menu Is Not Displayed and Timeout Value
Is Not Used
And for detailed information about how to edit the boot.ini file see
the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
KB289022 - HOW TO: Edit the Boot.ini File in Windows XP
An alternative to the above is to install the Recovery Console as
a hard disk startup option. The installation will automatically create
another entry in the [Operating Systems] section of your boot.ini
(for the Recovery Console). Then when you (re)start your computer
"Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" will appear as a menu item
(along with your Operating System). And the aforementioned "For
troubleshooting and advanced startup.. Press F8" text will appear, too.
For more information about how to "install the Recovery Console
as a startup option" search the Windows XP Professional Help and
Support Center for the words in double-quotes and read the topic
by that title.