How to get the long list of options for startup, one of which is Safe Mode?
I haven't used it in wuite a while, maybe forgotten how, maybe some glitch
in system. Single OS, not dual boot. Help file describes a screen from which
to select: "When you see the message Please select the operating system to
start, press F8. "
Whaaat? Don't see that. Used to be tap f8, then no trouble. Not now. f8
presents a choice of boot - floppy. CD, HDD. Advice appreciated.
I haven't used it in wuite a while, maybe forgotten how, maybe some glitch
in system. Single OS, not dual boot. Help file describes a screen from which
to select: "When you see the message Please select the operating system to
start, press F8. "
Whaaat? Don't see that. Used to be tap f8, then no trouble. Not now. f8
presents a choice of boot - floppy. CD, HDD. Advice appreciated.