Safe Mode



I need to reboot in Safe Mode, but I cannot seem to do it. I have hit the F8
key while reboot, but it does nothing. How do I reboot in Safe Mode?


I did that. The first boot screen (I guess the BIOS screen) it says
"Keyboard Failure". Then it thinks a minute and continues with the boot.
But when I get to the log in screen everything is frozen, I can't even pull
up task manager. I have to hit the off button on the machine to turn it off.
If I tap the F8 key more than 4-5 times it does this. If I tap it less than
that, it usually does not freeze up, but it doesn't offer me the option of
safe mode. Any other suggestions? I'll try anything. I am getting
desperate. I am getting ready to log off and I am going to sever my internet
connection completely overnight. I will check back tomorrow early.

( I followed a previous threads suggestions and installed Spyware Blaster
and Bazooka. Bazooka showed I have I will follow those manual
removal steps tomorrow also. I had Spyware Doctor and just deleted that a
couple of hours ago. My Spybot shows Virtumonde, but it can't remove it.
That is why I am trying to get to Safe Mode. I tried to remove it with
VirtuFix (per AdAware forum suggestion), but it says it can't even find
virtumonde. Spybot says its located in the registry Local
Machine\software\classes\MSEvents1.MSEvents1 and \MSEvents.MSEvents. I am
not sure if these problems are the result of or contributors to not being
able to open in Safe Mode, or if they are "related" at all. Just thought the
background could help)


Seems though you have various malaware/trojan infections.
Virtumonde comes in various guises and is sometimes incorrectly identified
by malaware/virus apps.
I'm unsure as to whether your saying you cannot boot up at all, as you say
you have installed various spyware apps, in an attempt to remove the
Is your Keybd a usb one? if so you have access to a ps2 keybd?
Try this page, in particular the 'Trend Sys Clean pkge' - this worked for me
when my kids pc got infected and Adaware/Spybot/Spyware Blaster/WinDefender
could'nt help
Assuming you can boot, or once you can boot, ensure you turn off sys restore
untill you are sure your sys is clean.

Once sys is OK ensure you have a decent Firewall and AV software
ZoneAlarm and AVG have free versions, often reccommended.

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