Hi, I'm using an Acer Extensa 5420 with a AMD Turion dual core 64 bit
processor, 2g of ram, and an ATI Radion Express 1250. It has a 7-pin s-
video port, and I'm using a S-video to RCA adapter that is about 2 to
4 years old.
I got the adapter to work on a Dell machine I had back when I first
got the adapter, but I connected it to a DVD player, as a remote
input. I'm now trying to hook it into a LG 27" flat screen with every
port known to man, and all I'm getting is a black sreen, as soon as I
hook up, the "No Signal" message goes away on the flat screen. I've
tried running the install software that came with the notebook, but
nothing has happened, and the computer does not recognize the monitor
in the device manager or when I open the display properties, or when I
hit function key and the switch monitor button (Fn+F5, for the
record). Really at my whits end here, and would love some assistance.
processor, 2g of ram, and an ATI Radion Express 1250. It has a 7-pin s-
video port, and I'm using a S-video to RCA adapter that is about 2 to
4 years old.
I got the adapter to work on a Dell machine I had back when I first
got the adapter, but I connected it to a DVD player, as a remote
input. I'm now trying to hook it into a LG 27" flat screen with every
port known to man, and all I'm getting is a black sreen, as soon as I
hook up, the "No Signal" message goes away on the flat screen. I've
tried running the install software that came with the notebook, but
nothing has happened, and the computer does not recognize the monitor
in the device manager or when I open the display properties, or when I
hit function key and the switch monitor button (Fn+F5, for the
record). Really at my whits end here, and would love some assistance.