S P 4 Windows Installer Continuous Run



After downloading SP 4 update - constant reboot after Windows Logo.
Reinstalled windows but Installer runs constantly, attempting to Install
Easy CD Creator (?). Unable to install or uninstall CD Creator. Attempting
to start an installed Outlook produces message, "This programme needs to be
installed to operate"

Any solutions to this Windows Installer problem here?


I am having the same issue with the reboot. I don't know
what to do at this point. As I work out of the house, I
absolutely MUST be able to use my computer. ANYBODY????


First, Hello Bill - I don't mean to step all over your
post but I am having the same issues as you so I hope my
questions help you and your questions help me. We can
work together, no?

Second, Hi Mark - I can't even log into Safe Mode. After
the system tries to start a bunch of files, the whole
system reboots again. Any suggestions?


-----Original Message-----

Reply-To: "Bill" <[email protected]>
From: "Bill" <[email protected]>
Subject: S P 4 Windows Installer Continuous Run
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 16:59:45 +0100

After downloading SP 4 update - constant reboot after Windows Logo.
Reinstalled windows but Installer runs constantly, attempting to Install
Easy CD Creator (?). Unable to install or uninstall CD Creator. Attempting
to start an installed Outlook produces message, "This programme needs to be
installed to operate"

Any solutions to this Windows Installer problem here?

Hi Bill,

Lets see if we can untangle this.

First, reboot and log into "safe mode" by selecting F8 at the start of the
boot process.
This will give you a list to choose how you wish to boot (select "safe
I have attempted to attach a file called "basic2.dad" it should be renamed
to "basic2.msi"
This is a test install program that only tests an install, but does not
actually install any program.

Once in "safe mode" logged in as local administrator, see if we can
uninstall or stop the CD creator.
Also, if we can get into "Safe mode" please follow these instructions until
we get this fixed.

Please do your best to follow these instructions. When we are convinced
that the installer is working again

Step 1: Re-register MSI Engine

1- Select Start | Run, type Msiexec /unregister and click OK.
2- Select Start | Run, type Msiexec /regserver and click OK.
3- Try to install Basic2.msi package.

If Basic2.msi does not install successfully, complete the following

Step 2: Windows 2000 and NT Additional Steps

1- For Windows 2000 make sure SP2 is installed.
2- For Windows NT 4.0 SP6 is required.

The remaining steps below may not work as expected if the appropriate
service packs are not installed.

Step 3: Verify DCOM permissions

1- Select Start/Run.
3- Select the Default Properties tab.
Confirm the settings enabled.
"Default Authentication Level" should be "Connect".
"Default Impersonation Level" should be "Identify".
4- Select the Default Security tab.
Select the "Default Access Permissions" "Edit Default" button.
Ensure the "Registry Value Permissions" list is either empty (with NO
accounts defined),
or, if accounts are defined, the System and Interactive accounts MUST
be included.
If the list is empty or unchanged, select "Cancel".
If the list is populated to include the System and Interactive accounts,
select "OK."
5- Select the "Default Launch Permissions" "Edit Default" button. And
ensure the
"Registry Value Permissions" list contains a minimum of the
\\<ServerName>\Administrators, Interactive, System.
6- Select the "Default Configuration Permissions" "Edit Default"
button. Ensure the "Registry Value Permissions"
list contains a minimum of the following:
\\<ServerName>\Power Users
\\<ServerName>\Creator Owner
7- Select the Applications tab.
Select the {000C101C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} application properties
(this is the MSIServer application).
Ensure the "Authentication Level" is set to "Default" on the General tab.
Select the Security tab.
Ensure "Use default access permissions", "Use default launch permissions"
"Use default configuration permissions" are selected. If not, ensure
the System account
is defined with all permissions.
8- Restart the system.
9- Try to install Basic2.msi package.

Step 4: Reinstall critical file from Windows 2000 SP2

1- Click Start, click Run, type "explorer /select,
(without the quotation marks) in the Open box, and then click OK.
2- Right-click the Msisip.dll file, and then click Rename.
3- Rename the Msisip.dll file to "msisip.old" (without the quotation
marks), and then press ENTER.
4- Reinstall SP2 for Windows 2000.
5- Try to install Basic2.msi package.

Step 5: Give Full Control Permission to the SYSTEM Account

1- Start Windows Explorer, right-click the computer's root hard disk
drive, and click Properties.
2- Click the Security tab, and then click Add.
3- In the "Select Users, Computers, or Groups" dialog box, select the
SYSTEM account, click Add, and then click OK.
4- Click to select the Full Control check box under Allow, and then
click OK.
5- Right click on the MyComputer Icon, select Properties, select the
Advanced tab, the Environment button
and note the location for the Temp folder.
6- Select the TEMP folder and verify that the SYSTEM account has full

Step 6: Verify Registry Permissions

1- Click Start, click Run, then type "Regedt32" (without the
quotation marks).
2- For each of the registry hives, follow these steps:

Select the hive.
For Windows XP, on the Edit menu, click Permissions.
For Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4, on the Security menu, click Permissions.
Verify that the SYSTEM account has been added and that it has Full control.
If it does not, add the SYSTEM account with Full control.

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{000C101D-0000-0000-C000- 000000000046}

3- Reboot the machine
4- Run Instmsiw.exe (Instmsia.exe for Windows 95/98) for installer
5- If Instmsiw.exe installation succeeds, try installing Basic2.msi

Step 7a: Remove And Replace Engine Files on platforms < Windows XP. For
XP, perform an OS in place upgrade or reinstallation.

1- Boot to Safe Mode.
2- Delete the following 3 files from the <system root>\system32
§ msi.dll
§ msiexec.exe
§ msihnd.dll
3- Delete the following 3 files from the <system
root>\system32\dllcache directory:
§ msi.dll
§ msiexec.exe
§ msihnd.dll
4- Run Instmsiw(a).exe and reinstall Windows Installer engine.
5- Reboot the system normally.
6- Go to START, RUN, and type:

"msiexec /regserver" (Without the quotation marks)

7- Try to install Basic2.msi package.

Step 7b: If the above steps fail, use the following steps as a last resort
to reinstalling the OS.

1- Copy the Instmsiw.exe file to a C:\Test folder.
2- Select Start | Run and type the following to extract all the files
to the C:\Test folder:

C:\Test\ Instmsiw.exe /c /t:c:\Test

3- Boot into Safe Mode.
4- Copy all the files from the C:\Test folder to both the /<system
root>/system32/ and /<system root>/system32/dllcache/ folders.
5- Go to START, RUN, and type:

"msiexec /regserver" (Without the quotation marks)

6- Try to install Basic2.msi package.

Step 8: Rebuild the security on the MSIServer service key

1. Run regedit.exe and rename the following key to Old_Security:

2. The default value under
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{000C101D-0000-0000-C000- 000000000046}\DllVersion.
If the version of msi.dll on the system is maj.min.bld.qfe, then the
default value for this key should be maj.min.bld

3. The
rver key.
At the very least, the following values should be set as follows:

ImagePath: Should be the full path to msiexec.exe with the command
line option of "/V".
ObjectName: Should be LocalSystem
Start: This should be SERVICE_DEMAND_START (0x3).
(0x2) is also okay. I
suspect that any other value will cause


I have the same problem. Windows will not boot in any mode -- safe or otherwise -- and machine is in a continuous reboot loop. HELP!!!

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