Remembered to include the URL, this time! ;-)
About the Invisible IRC Project
The Invisible IRC Project (IIP) was originally created so that people
interested in facilitating privacy and free speech could work to these
ends in an equally secure and anonymous environment. It has now become a
haven for anyone seeking anonymous, encrypted Internet Relay Chat. The
project's inspiration arose primarily from a shared interest in the
Freenet Project and a desire to provide the real-time communications
capabilities that Freenet could not.
Remembered to include the URL, this time! ;-)
About the Invisible IRC Project
The Invisible IRC Project (IIP) was originally created so that people
interested in facilitating privacy and free speech could work to these
ends in an equally secure and anonymous environment. It has now become a
haven for anyone seeking anonymous, encrypted Internet Relay Chat. The
project's inspiration arose primarily from a shared interest in the
Freenet Project and a desire to provide the real-time communications
capabilities that Freenet could not.